We did get some good relaxing in this week, thank goodness. Kids were too tired to go to open swim in the afternoons, would rather stay home; me, too so there wasn't a lot of motivation to roust them out. They did go to swim lessons every day and had a playdate on Tuesday at our house.
Lots of spinning and knitting was accomplished. 10 Minutes a Day is a great motivator, expecially since it turns into 30 or 40. Finished Grand Opening and started a sock:
Other than that, it's been a lot of laundry, dishes, cooking and work for my writer who is doing a book about a model who became a rock star wife and a big drug addict. Very interesting story, indeed! Between this book and the next one right after, I should be set up for money to carry me over the vacation, if I ever book the tickets. Lazy or in denial about the airfares, whichever. It's hours and hours of stuff, though.
Trying not to drive much and that seems to be working out. It was just too hot to bike last week and the best times are certainly early morning/early evening. I think the pool really is too far for the kids, mostly for coming back at the end of the day.
Almost finished with the second spinning project for the week, some Spunky (I think) South African Fine that I spun half of when it arrived.
Hope you're having a lovely week. Contact your Senator and Representative about their FISA vote, if you can. A Constitution is a terrible thing to waste.