And for the day off!
No time for pictures, but I managed to spin 4 oz. of natural BFL singles today for gloves for teachers--I will dye the yarn after plying. I want to make Susie's Reading Mitts this year and have already spun some variegated singles, but I really think that a nice smooth almost solid will be much better. I've never spun and then dyed before, but they both want blue, one light, one dark, so it shouldn't be hard to get a nice color.
In other knitting, I'm almost down to the bottom of the armholes on my Basic Chic Hoodie in bright green:
Not a color for the faint of heart, but I look forward with great anticipation to throwing this on like a sweat jacket and making myself happy. Thanks, Mom!
Still haven't cast on any socks, though, what's up with that?
DS's sweater is ready for its zipper now, Mr. DeMille. I should have done that today but instead was lazy, lazy, lazy in anticipation of having to go into work tonight holiday or no.
Except for the spinning.
Hoping for time to ply and dye on Saturday!
May peace prevail upon the earth.