At any rate, having a lovely time!
We started out in Essex, Vermont for my brother's wedding:
It was luxurious, fun, cold, hot, relaxing, nourishing and wonderful!
Congratulations, C and M! Hope you're having a fabulous honeymoon! And great thanks to my father for the amazing experience, especially the chance to get us all together. What a gift!
Then we moved on to New Jersey where I took no pictures, what is the deal with that? Oh, one:
Hope somebody took pictures Doug?
Then the kids went to Pennsylvania with dad, where they still are and I came home to my (hopefully? possibly?) annual recharging time at home with the dog. I'm about ready for some people now, you can come back!
However, uninterrupted time to work on big projects--Girl Scout Troop film, cleaning out dressers, reorganizing spinning fiber and catching up with Doctor Who--really great!
Taking the summer off from most of my job is a mixed bag, certainly, especially for the bank account, but it's only money, right? Time with family, time with spouse, time with children, time with dogs? Priceless.
May peace prevail upon the earth.