DD's school play rehearsals have increased from once a week to twice. The Cub Scout Den is trying to get their Webelos Badge before Christmas (I need to get DS to plan a week of meals and such). Two activities have fallen away (skateboarding and drawing) but other things involve homework and such.
And so, dear reader, we are not going out East for Christmas this year. Which makes me wistful. But we really need a break from EVERYTHING and will take one. I have quite a store of overtime saved up and won't have to use any vacation days (saving them for Spring Break). Time to hang out, to play games, to stay in our PJ's, to bake together, put a log in the fireplace, all sounds really good. I will miss the people, but not the frenzy. Next year, peeps! And see you for a good long summer vacation!
Speaking of summer, it looks like I'll be furloughed again and my freelance job has sold the business to someone in Long Beach so who knows what that will mean. I'm certainly not driving to Long Beach to pick up DVD's! I will make a big effort to ingratiate myself with the new owner, though.
On the potentially more money front, however, I am involved with a group which is going to offer some Website Development workshops in the area, some possibly even to organizations which are seeking someone to provide and post their content for them, which would be something I would LOVE to do on a freelance basis, so any good thoughts that way would be very greatly appreciated!
Great thanks to all the teachers and parents who worked so hard! My contribution this year was very minimal, but at least visible to the human eye. DD's year, I had my friend J to help me make 14 black vests for the costumes, which was very intimidating but with help totally doable.
I am knitting along on a semi-secret project and another totally secret project so no pictures so far of that but I did spin some pretty yarn: 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both of the above photos were taking with my well-beloved Stepfather's Nikon D50 DSLR, for which I am extremely grateful!!