Sock Madness Round 3 had started on Thursday night and I was trucking right along. On Friday we had an L.A. area knit together at Unwind:
Great thanks to Lisa, Luke and Hailey for having the kids over so Mommy could play! We had a lovely time, Lambiebird, GoldenPurl, Technoknitter and I! Also thanks to Stephanie at Unwind for letting us invade the store for a couple of hours. We'll probably do it again, although only Lambiebird is still competing (and Star but she's moving today to Portland. Good luck, Star!).
That was Friday.
Saturday started with an orchestra rehearsal for me for my Bach aria and recitative in our Spring Concert on the 20th. It went VERY well, thank you, but there are no photos.
Then DS's first T-ball game. He did great!!!
And his first hit:
Lots of fun but very hot.
Sunday morning, DD received her bible from church:
She is very proud to be old enough to have her own bible!
THEN, we went to the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby where DS won Most Creative Tiger Cub car for the Pikachu he and his dad made:
THEN, I took DD to Chuck E. Cheese to her friend's birthday party. By this time, I was pretty fried. I left the camera with DH so he could take pictures of DD's illegal car in the final event of the derby:
At that point, there were two spots left in my Sock Madness Division. I had only reached the stripe above the heel flap on sock 2 and was planning to make it longer than sock one anyway. I was done. I went to bed before the children. Stick a fork in me.
When we got home, we were shocked to find this scene of carnage:
I've been knitting the sock today in hope that I can finish them (including a new longer toe on sock 1) by our school Carnival fundraiser on Saturday as they are our school colors:
Hope you are having a great Monday!
Well, at least the pooch didn't eat your yarn or roving! I love the innocent look. Congratulations to your daughter on receiving her first bible. I remember my brother entering a pinewood derby. There were tons of rules, etc. involved. I live just north of Portland, OR and I think Star is going to love it here. There are lots of fabulous yarn stores, public transportation is wonderful and there is a lot to do. Take care. Love the socks.