1. Where was I 10 years go.
Pregnant with DD and working full-time as a legal secretary for a solo practitioner in L.A. When I took the job he only came into the office three days a week or so but by that summer he was coming in every day and crazy busy. I was pretty close to telling him I needed every other Friday off 'cause it was taking the joy out of my summer. And that worked out. I worked for him until I went on maternity and never went back to an office job (so far).
2. 5 things on today’s to-do list
Swimming lesson
Summer Reading Club show
Finish transcribing tape of lifestory of HUGE drug addict (rather overwhelming)
Spin at least 10 minutes
Finish second Marigold sock
3.Snacks I enjoy
I am a low-carb girl and have been for almost six years, so lots of snack foods are off limits, like chips, which I love. Nothing like the smell of a new bag of Ruffles! But what I eat are peanut butter, pickles, peanut butter, mangoes, peanut butter.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire.
Buy a house. Buy a Hybrid car. I'll go with Amy, spin and knit and travel. Pay back (or forward) all the money everybody's ever lent me or given me or anything to help out. Make an endowment to my church. Go to SOAR and pay for scholarships. Mostly I would stop worrying, which would be a great thing and billions are not even necessary for that.
5. Places I have lived.
Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Minnesota, New York (Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan), California and summers in Illinois, Alabama, West Virginia. We always talk about moving back East to be close to our extended families, but the film industry pulls us back in. Maybe next year! The kids are extremely ambivalent about this.
6. Jobs I have had.
Start from the beginning? Fast food worker, Movie theater cashier, Temp Legal Secretary, Singing Bumble Bee, Actress, Soloist, Legal Secretary, freelance Transcriptionist. I like what I do now, sing and type, just wish it involved health coverage...
7. Who would I like to know more about.
Whoever is reading this, there aren't very many of you. Let me know if you do it so I can drop by!
In knitting news, I have almost finished the Marigold socks and will surely finish them today. Good news, they are lovely! Bad news, they are totally different sizes. My two skeins spun up one right after the other are really different gauges. Now that I have more bobbins, I'm going to start real 2-plying instead of Andean all the time to even it out. But both socks fit me and the colors are just right. Thanks again, Amy! I will be casting on Rivendell as soon as these are done with my newly finished yarn, which probably has the same problem, so I might do more knitting from both skeins, but that's no big deal. I can spit splice.
In spinning (oh, some of that was spinning, huh) 10 Minutes a Day has been great and I have moved on to the last 2 ounces of Dandylion to Navajo ply for socks. The first two skeins are VERY fine for my 3 ply so trying to match that is taking a while. But, hey, those will be some happy socks! Here's a picture of the first skein that won a Blue Ribbon at last year's L.A. County Fair:
This year's fair entries are rather sparse but they will go out soon. I think I'm mailing to avoid the gasoline for driving back and forth two extra times. I will attend the Fair itself at least twice so this is a good idea. At least for my carbon footprint. I have two yarns for sure and one pair of socks. I was going to send Marigold, too, but the size issue is bothering me regarding judging. I will figure this out once they are blocked. Of course, there is a sock contest this year that Joy (!) and I will be attending and competing in so if I end up with something gorgeous that's where it will go. I should start the new Spunky Club fiber and see if I can get it nice enough to enter, since it's a blend and will fall into a different class than the others. Or some silk. Or something.
I started out the year all excited and ambitious about the Fair and have fallen into a malaise. I just don't feel like getting all het up about anything. Having a nice time not being het up, I guess, not dreaming about stuff I have to do that doesn't exist and all. Didn't come close to finishing the sweater, am not obsessively spinning yarns, just sending in socks that I made for something else. I've even thought of not entering at all, but since I have some stuff already done, why not? Can't wear the wooly socks till fall anyway.
That was a seriously too long post with not enough pictures! Thanks for sticking with it!
And Wes Clark did not impugn McCain's service. He merely said that his experiences do not have any bearing on whether he would be a good President. Which they don't. I wish the news cycle had been all about McCain's property tax delinquency instead, mind you, but this is ridiculous.
Nice post. Keep cool.
ReplyDeleteYour spinning is so lovely. I'm sure you'll do well in every category you enter.
ReplyDeleteI like your blog and I agree with your politics. I rarely comment on any blogs. I'm just a lurker; but there are a lot of us out here. Keep blogging! and knitting and spinning (which I'll never do) That's a talent I don't have.
ReplyDeleteA billion dollars = not worrying. That is certainly the biggest bonus from that :) I wish you luck at this year's fairs.