Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Well, you can kick me when I'm down...

But you can't take this away from me.

Last Sunday's Offertory music was a duet featuring Donald Caldwell, Baritone as Adam and me as Eve from Haydn's "The Creation."

Having some personal conflict issues (understatement) and a lot of worry. Stupid.

I need to focus on the good things, but first I just need to get some sleep. Or knit more. Or both!


1 comment:

  1. hang in there bubala... it's gonna be ok. I know the super secret devious plan is going to come to fruition, you are gonna be the queen of sopranotification and what's more you will have the best hand knit, hand spun grey cable sweater in here-o-township...

    Who loves you baby? me, that's who!

    What's more, your mommy is coming to visit! That aught to help!
    your anonymous friend who now owns a wacky fibonacci's leftover sock with another one on the way!
