Have you seen Wundermap? It shows the current weather almost down to the raindrop so you can figure out when it's a good idea to get the dog out or run your errands.

We also have a production of "Murder Takes the Stage" from the John Burroughs High School Drama Club opening tonight and running through Sunday afternoon, Students $8 and Adults $10. Sounds like fun!
The Stough Canyon Nature Center often featured here turned 10 years old last weekend and will be holding Saturday Night Alive! as usual on the 26th: $5 per family for a hike, snacks and a nature activity. Sunday they will host a Wild Creatures Hike at 11:30am.
Yesterday, the choirs from Jordan Middle School received Superior Ratings in competition, congratulations to the kids and their teachers!
I am off to visit the Farmer's Market on Central Avenue in Los Angeles this afternoon for another story which I will link to when it is posted. Hope it doesn't start raining...better check the Wundermap!
But that's what I would be covering...If I Were the Editor of the Burbank Patch!
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